Digital Consultancy & Training

We provide engaging and in-depth consultancy covering…

  • branding and tone of voice
  • engaging your visitors and users on the web, through your website as well as through social media and other digital channels
  • content creation and digital strategies designed to get your news, events, products or other content onto the web and syndicated well through social media
  • the creation of digital teams and roles

How it works

Typically, we’ll hold stakeholder meetings with the key people in your organisation who may be involved in writing content, events, courses and products on the web and social media in order to understand your organisation’s aims.

We’ll then seek to summarise your current position and produce the recommendations we think will support your digital presence.


We can train you individually, or in a group, in how to manage your website and digital presence well, exploring…

  • content management and copywriting for web
  • web usability and accessibility
  • digital trends and agile marketing
  • web marketing and social media

Contact us to find out how we can help.